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Sprawdź nasz nowy minikurs:Boost Exposure and Traffic Daily.

Your customers expect to understand what your product does, who it’s for, and how it makes their lives easier all at quick glance. At Vidsdeal, we help you create professional product showcase videos to do exactly that, and more!

🎉 GET NOW limited-time promotion, get a video with an actor for $590 and save over a thousand dollars !!! 🎉

Do You Know This?

❌ Drowning in Competition...

Online sellers who don’t use product videos have a problem. Their products are barely visible among millions of others.

If you’re not showcasing your products in videos, customers may ignore you. They may not understand what you offer. Meanwhile, your competition, the sellers who use videos, are one step ahead. They show why their products are valuable. You’re left behind. 

You’ve lost many sales because customers don’t know how your product could help them. That’s sad. But at Vidsdeal, we can to help you. Our goal is to present your product in such a way that it’s visible like a bright star in the night sky.

We have a solution for that!

Hi there! Julia here – and I’m a part of the Vidsdeal team which specializes in creating powerful video ads.

certified partner of

Over 73% of buyers will immediately gravitate toward a product with a video. As a seller and business owner, you were once on the receiving end of a product, and we both know you don’t click “Buy Now” if you’re not 100% sure that you NEED said product.

And in some industries, it’s near impossible to convey that clear, vivid need through text or pictures: You need a professional, captivating video that your potential customers can indulge in and gain a clear understanding of WHY they need your product.

At Vidsdeal, we’ve crafted an efficient workflow that enables us to collaborate with businesses globally! You can configure your video project via our online platform, aligning it perfectly with your budget and marketing goals!


You need such advertising to increase your profits!

Skincare, home improvement, tech, and finance: You name it, odds are we’ve worked with it. Vidsdeal gives you a limitless video creation experience where you can design your project, put together the perfect elements to make the most out of your budget and proceed with full confidence knowing you’re about to break the internet.

Odtwórz wideo
Odtwórz wideo
Odtwórz wideo
Odtwórz wideo



What do our clients say about us?


We Combine Creativity with

strategy to create outstanding videos!

Vidsdeal is an online platform that connects business owners like yourself with expert product video professionals. We help you increase sales and conversions by highlighting the most desirable features of your product through a simple, engaging set of shots!

Configure, price, and order a video advertisement for your product with just a few clicks. Then, let our team of talented creators take the reins. They’ll transform your vision into a profit-generating powerhouse – your very own product video. Dive in and harness the power of visual storytelling with us!

💰 Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee



Don't Make These Mistakes...

Picture this scenario – you’re anxiously waiting for an advertising video that you’ve commissioned to a freelancer. Their talent, passion, and creativity are evident in every frame delivered.

However, when you publish it, full of hope to attract hordes of new customers, the end result falls far short of expectations. Your video, instead of acting like a magnet for customers, is merely a nice addition to the page.

That’s when you realize that the freelancer focused on creating a work of art, not an effective marketing tool that would attract your target group.

Now imagine another situation – you’re signing a contract with an expensive film agency. You feel the thrill, looking at the new world full of opportunities that is opening before you.

But before you know it, the bills start piling up. Every revision, meeting, additional shot – all of this inflates the final cost. Suddenly, you discover that your budget is stretched to its limits, and the film, although spectacular, is not generating the expected profits.

Then you understand that you’ve been blinded by glitz and glamour, and in reality, you paid significantly more than you initially assumed…

We understand these issues, that's why we created VidsDeal!

A platform where you can estimate and order your new video ad without hidden costs, and it will be created by a team that knows marketing just as well as video production.


Why Create Product Videos With Vidsdeal?


Sales-Oriented Approach 

We create videos that not only help you generate more leads online but also turn those leads into long-term buyers and loyal customers.


You’re In Charge

Working with us is incredibly flexible. You can control the video elements you need included in your project, and get an instant, transparent quote to know exactly what you’re paying for.


Completely Remote

We can work with anyone, anywhere. You simply ship out your product and we film using our in-house sets, including kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, and more!

Video – The Content Avenger:

Turbocharging Online Sales

Did you know that video is the superhero among content types? It outclasses texts, graphics, and animations with a punch!

According to research, over half of online sellers invest in product-related videos, convinced of the effectiveness of this medium.

And now, brace yourself for the real bombshell – studies reveal that videos boost purchases by a staggering 73%! That’s right, nearly three-quarters of visitors who watch product videos will likely make a purchase.

But it doesn’t end there! An incredible 92% of sellers assert that video is a key element of their marketing strategy, marking a colossal leap from 78% in 2015. Videos resonate with consumers like no other marketing content – a whopping 71% of them choose video over all other forms.

Over 50% of consumers from various age groups rely on videos when making purchasing decisions. As a result, videos help build trust, provide quality product information, and ultimately increase customer satisfaction. It’s a thrilling narrative in the world of online sales!

💰 Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee


💵 We boost sales! PROVIDED. 💵

We understand how crucial it is to continuously draw conclusions and create increasingly superior sales videos.

That’s why we always ask our clients how we can further improve the profitability metrics of video ads, to maximize their profits. Here are a few examples of how we have assisted our clients.

Cut Your Marketing Costs And

Generate The Amazing Results

Our remote workflow is beyond convenient for all our clients. You don’t need to take time out of your day for meetings, consultations, or lengthy presentations: You simply ship out your product and the rest is history.

We take care of everything from there and film a professional video with the sole purpose of generating more clients, sales, and exposure for your brand. This means lower costs, lower overhead, and lower prices for better quality and unmatched creativity!

Why are our commercials

so effective?

It’s all thanks to our video timeline, which we have developed over the course of 6 years based on hundreds of tests conducted and invaluable feedback from our clients. 

This model ensures the maximum effectiveness of your ads:

Hook: A strong start that surprises and captures attention from the first seconds of watching.

Product Benefits: We present how your product can positively impact your customers’ lives.

Product in Action: We show how your product works in practice, which allows potential buyers to fully understand its functions and capabilities.

Social Proof: We present positive reviews from other users, which builds trust in your brand.

Call to Action (CTA): Finally, we clearly and decisively call to action, encouraging purchases, newsletter sign-ups, or contacting you.

But that’s not all! There are many nuances that are not included in the above timeline. The rest of the techniques remain our secret for now, but you can be sure that we will apply them while creating your ad!

Thanks to us, your video ads become not only attractive, but above all, effective.


Your Journey With Us Step-By-Step

We take care of everything from there and film a professional video with the sole purpose of generating more clients, sales, and exposure for your brand. This means lower costs, lower overhead, and lower prices for better quality and unmatched creativity!

On Amazon

We focus on product usage in adequate places and situations as well as its detailed visual presentation. Our videos are adjusted to Amazon’s guidelines.

On Facebook

A/B testing on Facebook is crucial so that you know what works and what does not. That is why, we provide you with various stopscrollers.


Delivering content which viewers are used to watching. Concentrating on current trends and characteristics of a target audience.


Your Journey With Us Step-By-Step


Sign Contract. Choose the best offer, finalize with a contract, and send us your product for preparation.


Set the Scene. Collaborate to understand your brand and product, providing insights for optimal sales and campaign performance.


Production. Collect assets, shoot, act, and voice act. Evaluate material for alignment with vision and quality standards.


Production. Collect assets, shoot, act, and voice act. Evaluate material for alignment with vision and quality standards.

Who we are?

Meet our team!

Over the last few years, we have developed the know-how to create highly-converting video campaigns. We know which elements keep the viewer’s attention, what sells, and what repels.


Let's make a product video that sells!

Alright, so now we have a deal for you that is really worth it. You can compare our offer with other video producers and I guarantee you won’t find a better quality-to-price ratio.

Yes, our product videos are not the cheapest, but they are backed by our experience, knowledge, skills, and also hardware resources and a well-organized production studio.

regular price $2900




🦾 Video Production

🧠 Scenario

🧦 Profesional Actor

🦾 Livestyle scenography

🧦 30s Duration

🧠 Revisions

🦾 2x Hook Versions

🧦 2x Formats

🧠 Secret Video Timeline

In summary… We understand that you’re probably too busy counting money or chasing the next trend, but remember… Your customers, just like you, don’t have time to read mile-long product descriptions. They need information right now.

That’s where our secret weapon comes in – professional product videos. All you have to do is send us your product. We’ll take care of the rest. Sounds good?

Estimate your video right now and let’s get to work. Make a good video deal – make a Vidsdeal!

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Vidsdeal 2023 LLC